Luigi Barison Apps

Electric theme cm11 1.0.1
Luigi Barison
Elecric contienewallpapersLockscreenFontIconsWalpaperStyle:una semplice ma efficace rivisitazione dei settings e dellasystem ui.Il tema "elettrico"contiene colori e riferimenti elettrici chedanno una fresca energia al vostro device.....Buondivertimento!Elecric containswallpapersLockscreenFontIconsWalpaperStyle: a simple but effective review of the settings and the systemui.The theme "electric" colors and contains references that give afresh electrical energy to your device ..... Enjoy!
Cm 12 12.1 theme Kairos 1.3.1
Luigi Barison
Kairos containsWallpaperLockscreenFontSome iconsFrameworkSystem UIDialerLauncher cmSettingsDialerBootanimation android 6.0It,s a dark theme with other contrast of colorsEnjoy!!!!!
cm11 fonts indi flower 2.1.1
Luigi Barison
I found this nice font in google font andiwant to edit it for the themer of cyanogen mod.enjoy!
viola theme cm11 2.1.4
Luigi Barison
theme viola containslockscreenwallpaperbootanimationfonticons android kit kat (probably update to lollipop)style( you enjoy in viola!!!!!!